Distracted driving is extremely dangerous and with most people carrying a cell phone on them today, it is becoming increasingly common. Still, while people typically first think of texting and driving when they consider distracted driving, it is not the only distraction motorists face. There are several types of distracted driving, but they are all very dangerous and cause some of the worst accidents resulting in severe injuries. Below, one of our West Virginia car accident lawyers explains in more detail.
Types of Distracted Driving
While there are many different types of distractions drivers face while on the road, they all fall into one of three categories. These are as follows:
- Visual distractions: These are distractions that take a driver’s eyes off of the road.
- Manual distractions: Manual distractions cause a driver to take their hands off of the steering wheel.
- Cognitive distractions: These distractions take a motorist’s attention from the road.
Regardless of the type of distraction, they are all very dangerous and drastically increase the chances of an accident occurring.
Common Examples of Distracted Driving
When people think of distracted driving, texting and driving is often the first thing to come to mind.
While texting and driving is very dangerous behavior, there are other distractions drivers face while on the road, as well. Some of the most common of these include:
- Talking to passengers
- Eating and drinking
- Reading
- Grooming, such as brushing your hair or applying makeup
- Adjusting the systems within the vehicle, such as the radio or heat
- Using a navigation system
- Watching videos
The above distractions are all very dangerous. Still, texting while driving falls into all three categories of distracted driving. It requires the driver to take their hands off the wheel, their eyes off of the road, and their focus off of their surroundings. Due to this, texting while driving is likely the most dangerous type of distraction faced by drivers.
Distracted Driving Laws in West Virginia
Because distracted driving is so dangerous, legislators in West Virginia have enacted many laws to prevent it. These laws are as follows:
- Motorists of all ages are prohibited from holding a cell phone with their hands.
- Motorists of all ages are prohibited from texting while they are driving.
- Novice drivers are prohibited from using a cell phone in any capacity, whether it is with their hands or hands-free.
The laws are meant to deter motorists from texting and driving. Drivers who are caught texting while driving can incur fines, have their driver’s license suspended and in severe cases, even go to jail. Additionally, when a driver is distracted and causes an accident, they can be held liable for paying for another driver’s medical expenses, lost income, and other losses incurred as a result of the crash.
Distracted Driving Statistics
One only has to review the statistics on distracted driving to understand how dangerous the behavior is. The most alarming of these are as follows:
- In 2021, over 3,500 people were killed in accidents involving distracted drivers.
- In 2021, 644 non-motorists, such as cyclists and pedestrians, were killed in accidents involving distracted drivers.
- In 2021, more than 362,000 people were injured in accidents involving distracted drivers.
- Over 3,000 teenagers are killed in accidents due to distracted driving.
- When a driver is distracted, they are 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident or near-accident than drivers who are not distracted.
- Sending or reading a text can cause a driver to take their eyes off the road for five seconds. When traveling at 55 miles per hour, this is similar to driving the length of an entire football field with one’s eyes closed.
- Over 600,000 motorists have admitted to trying to use their cell phones while they are driving.
Why is Distracted Driving So Dangerous?
There are many dangers associated with distracted driving. These include:
- Increased likelihood of accidents: When a driver is distracted, their reaction times are slower. This makes it more difficult for them to respond to sudden emergencies or hazards on the road.
- Impaired cognitive function: Distracted driving affects not only physical capacities but cognitive function, as well. This leads to diminished decision-making abilities, lower concentration, and decreased situational awareness. All of these are essential to drive safely.
- Increased fatality rates: Distracted driving is one of the top causes of preventable fatalities on the road. With the force of a collision, distracted driving often results in very serious outcomes.
- Financial burden: Accidents caused by distracted driving can cause a significant financial burden for accident victims, as well as distracted drivers. Property damage, medical expenses, and rehabilitation costs can quickly pile up, impacting the financial situation of everyone involved in the crash.
- Psychological and emotional impact: Distracted driving also causes a significant emotional toll on accident victims and their families. In addition to suffering physical injuries, accident victims may also experience anxiety, depression, trauma, and other psychological impacts after a crash involving a distracted driver.
- Burden on first responders: Distracted driving also places an additional strain on emergency services. Medical personnel, law enforcement, and other first responders who visit the accident scenes of these preventable crashes may be diverted from other important situations that also require attention.
Distracted driving accidents also have a large impact on the community. These crashes are a somber reminder of the dangers of distracted driving and can result in calls for increased enforcement, education, and awareness campaigns.
Call Our Car Accident Lawyer in West Virginia for a Free Case Review
If you or someone you love has been hurt in a crash caused by a distracted driver, you need legal advice. It can be difficult to prove that another person was distracted and therefore, liable for paying damages. At Kaufman & McPherson, our West Virginia car accident lawyer knows how to prove these cases and will fight for you so you obtain the full and fair settlement you deserve. Contact us to schedule a free consultation and to get the legal advice you need.