Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

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Motorcycle enthusiasts enjoy riding for many reasons, not the least of which is the undeniable appeal of having the wind in your face on the open road on a warm spring day. Nevertheless, traveling on a motorcycle is inherently more dangerous than driving or riding in a car, not only because motorcyclists lack the protection of an automobile chassis, but also because many car and truck drivers pay little attention to motorcycles.

Potential Injuries

Even collisions that would be fairly minor if they occur between two cars can cause serious injuries when one of the involved vehicles is a motorcycle. Injuries to the head, neck and lower extremities account for more than half of all motorcycle injuries. Typical motorcycle injuries, some of which can be permanent or even fatal, include the following:

  • Concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Fractures and other injuries to the neck or spine
  • Friction burns and abrasions from contact with the road surface
  • Orthopedic injuries to knees and hips
  • Partial or total amputation of lower extremities

Many accidents and injuries are beyond the rider’s control, but you can decrease the likelihood of an accident by maintaining the lights and reflectors on your bike and minimize your injuries if a crash does occur by wearing a helmet, goggles and protective clothing.

Getting the Attorney You Deserve

Caution is the best protection for bikers sharing the road with motorists who do not always acknowledge their presence or respect their rights. As experienced motorcycle accident attorneys, we at Kaufman & McPherson, PLLC understand the frequent causes of motorcycle accidents and know how to identify the facts and obtain the evidence necessary to support your case.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know whether I have a case?

You have a case if you’re injured and someone else has legal fault for what occurred. You must be able to gather facts to prove the liability of the other party. Intentional harm is not required. In fact, most cases are based on negligence or careless behavior that creates an unreasonable risk of harm. At your case consultation, our lawyers can explain whether you have a case and the reasons for our opinion.

How much time do I have to file a lawsuit?

In West Virginia, you have two years to file most personal injury lawsuits. However, there are some exceptions. Two years can seem like a long time, but you need to investigate, build and prepare your case. Always contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

How will my lawyer determine the value of my case?

A lawyer will determine the value of your case by evaluating the losses that you have because of the injury. Then, they compare them to the types of losses that a victim may claim under the law. Other factors may affect your case value, too, like the ability to collect compensation, comparative negligence and the strength of the proofs in your case.

What steps should I take immediately after an injury to protect my rights?

To protect your rights after an injury, get medical attention without delay. Do what you can to prevent additional harm. Don’t discard anything related to the accident like torn clothing. If you can, take photos of the accident scene and your injuries. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

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Speaking with a lawyer about your case is 100% free and easy. We will review the facts of your case and advise you on how our firm can help. There is no obligation and if you decide to hire us, you won’t owe us anything unless we are successful for you.

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